Alice asked the Cheshire Cat,
who was sitting in a tree,
“What road do I take?”
The cat asked,
“Where do you want to go?”
“I don’t know,” Alice answered.
“Then,” said the cat,
“it really doesn’t matter, does it?”

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Whiplash Team, January 28th 2022 Best reads January 2022 Here we share a short selection of reads for brand lovers like you to enjoy over the weekend. Do Sonic Logos Work? Companies invest a lot of money on finding their sonic identity. Now, research shows that sonic logos that...

Christopher Smith, BrandSmith CEO and founder, 14th January 2022 A powerful hinge A logo is so much more than an illustration: it is part of the symbolic ecosystem that customers build in their minds associated with the brand and their experiences and expectations about it. Ultimately, it...

Whiplash Team, July 10th, 2020 The new normal of The Leopard In 1958, a year after the death of its author, The Leopard was published, the only novel written by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. Through the words of the leading character Tancredi Falconeri it was here where...

Co-founder and Chairman of Geeksme, Geeksboat and Urvan Rodrigo Silva-RamosMoney, ethics and markets Entrepreneur and rather a person ahead of his times he was co-founder and chairman of GeeksPhone, the first manufacturer of cell phones with a Spanish brand (2009-2015) with Android operating system and open source,...

AZTI General Manager and food technology expert Rogelio PozoScience, consumption and capital Doctor in Chemistry, inventor and prolific author of scientific publications, Rogelio Pozo has been at the forefront of the AZTI Technological Centre since 2004. He is also a renowned lecturer and professor at various Spanish...

Whiplash Team, June 28th 2019 Best reads June 2019 Here’s a brief selection of readings for brand enthusiasts like you to enjoy during the weekend! The newest L'Oreal's bet. (EN) Seed Phytonutrients, a new L’Oréal brand that embeds personal wellbeing, ecosystem health and community values in all aspects of...

Whiplash Team, April 2019 Best reads April 2019 Here’s a brief selection of readings for brand enthusiasts like you to enjoy during the weekend! Branding sustainability: Opportunity and risk behind a brand-based approach to sustainable markets This interesting article focuses on the increasing importance of ethical branding and...

Whiplash Team, April 2019 Creating social value is profitable for brands It is Friday again and thousands of young people around the world, inspired by the young Swede @GretaThunberg will strike against climate change #ClimateStrike and refuse to attend classes to demand that...

Christopher Smith, CEO & Founder of BrandSmith. April 2019 It’s Friday. What are you going to do today? According to the Federal Government Climate Report that was presented this week, Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world and scientists point out that...