07 May Juan Ángel García: Globalization, crisis and business models

Vice President and Director of the Division of Equipment of the Mondragon Corporation
Juan Ángel García
Globalization, crisis
and business models
As an expert in Strategic Management, Juan Ángel García has accumulated extensive experience in international, industrial and consumer product markets.
With an MBA in Business Administration and Management, Juan Ángel García undertook the internationalization of the companies of the Mondragon Corporation. An intensive activity which has led him to live in different countries including the United States and China.
The Mondragon Corporation is a benchmark for the cooperative working model. Founded in 1956, it is the first business group in the Basque Country and the tenth in Spain. It currently operates worldwide in the fields of education, finance, distribution and industry sectors. It comprises 264 companies and cooperatives and employs more than 80,000 people.
After having lived the lockdown in China in 2003 due to SARS-1, Juan Ángel García shares with us his personal and professional vision on the challenges posed by leaving this health crisis behind and entering the economic crisis.
Next Tuesday, May 12th, we will be with Eduardo Rojas Briales, dean of the College of Forest Engineers, president of the Capital Natural Foundation and spokesperson for the platform “Juntos por los Bosques” (Together for Forests. This platform gathers more than 30 entities who represent the Spanish forestry industry). He has also been Assistant Director General FAO Forestry, President of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests and co-President of UN-REDD, representing the UN system (UNDP, UNEP and FAO). He will share with us his views of how a circular economic model and responsible forest management can contribute to creating a reality that would be kinder with society and the planet after the pandemic.