30 Apr Rogelio Pozo: Science, consumption and capital

AZTI General Manager and food technology expert
Rogelio Pozo
Science, consumption and capital
Doctor in Chemistry, inventor and prolific author of scientific publications, Rogelio Pozo has been at the forefront of the AZTI Technological Centre since 2004. He is also a renowned lecturer and professor at various Spanish universities.
Transforming science into sustainable and healthy development for the present and future society is the flagship of the AZTI Technology Centre. The General Manager for the last 16 years has been Rogelio Pozo, Doctor in Chemical Sciences (PhD) and expert in food technology.
AZTI has a history of more than 30 years and international presence in more than 45 countries. Its team of experts, of more than 240 people, is focused on shaping ideas that, once transformed into products and services, generate business initiatives and recover and preserve natural resources.
Rogelio Pozo is also a member of the board of directors of numerous companies in the food sector, such as New Food Spray, Roboconcept, Apaprocesing and foundations such as Elika, the Basque Foundation for Agri-Food Safety. He is also an inventor, with eight patents of his own, a lecturer in multiple forums, professor at various Spanish universities and an outstanding author with more than 100 scientific publications. Today he shares with us his thoughts on how science can contribute to the construction of a more sustainable and responsible society.
On May 5th, José Aguilar López, Managing Partner of MindValue, Doctor in Philosophy (PhD) and Management Development Program (PDD) at the IESE will join us, to talk about how the impact of the massive emergence of new technologies will have on people, groups and leaders, both in the business environment and in society and politics.