28 May Best reads May 2021
Equipo Whiplash, 28 de mayo de 2021
Best reads May 2021
Here we share a short selection of readings for brand lovers like you to enjoy over the weekend.
Google opens its first physical store
While most companies have made the transition from the physical space to the on-line channel, Google has gone the other way around and has announced that this summer it will open its first physical store in Manhattan, where customers will be able to purchase products from Pixel, Nest, Fitbit or Pixelbook and there will be live demos too. (ES)
Humanizing the business vision
In this interview, the Brandingmag team explores the best way to humanize business alongside business consultant and university lecturer Bruno Cignacco, who recently published his book, “The Art of Compassionate Business.” (EN)
The pandemic has changed our consumer habits. The certainty that health is fragile, lockdown, personal and family finances, and the Internet are some of the factors that have influenced the configuration of a new way of buying and consuming. (ES)
Three ways to launch new businesses
The pandemic has forced business leaders to re-evaluate their priorities and strategies. One area in which companies around the world have focused efforts is in the creation of new businesses. According to recent research by the consulting firm McKinsey, large companies have adopted this strategy as a priority. Here three formulas that work are described. (EN)
Spaniards trust companies more than institutions
The conclusions of the Edelman Trust Barometer Spain 2021, prepared in collaboration with Corporate Excellence, reveal that for Spaniards, companies generate more trust than most institutions, social leaders and the media. (ES)