16 May Christopher Smith at La Neurona Summits: Storytelling that generates brand value
Whiplash Team, May 2019
Christopher Smith at La Neurona Summits: Storytelling that generates brand value
Next Tuesday, May 21th, a new edition of La Neurona Summits will be held in Barcelona. The event will address three fundamental issues: Finance, Marketing and Sales, and People. In this framework, under the title “What story is my brand telling? Storytelling: how to transmit and generate brand value”, Christopher Smith, CEO and founder of BrandSmith, will offer clues on how to face the challenges of building a coherent story that is consistent with the organization’s purpose.
Every brand has a story to tell: a story built from its milestones and from those who have forged it, but fundamentally, based on its purpose, the foundational stone on which the business project is built, and that determines the impact we want the brand to have on people’s lives.
In some cases, this narrative is so much on the surface that it practically writes itself up. In others, however, we must discover it, structure it and give it shape, voice and tone to transmit the essence of the brand through relevant content that generates brand value and that can be used through the brand’s different touchpoints. Now that content reigns, storytelling –the building of a coherent and consistent story, capable of seducing and convincing users – has become a key element in the accumulation of expectations, ideas and intangibles that come to mind when we recognize a logo or interact with a brand and, ultimately, is nothing more than the image we have of it.
In the context of marketing, storytelling becomes vital as a storyline to define the actions of a strategic communication plan, making our messages more understandable and generating high levels of engagement.
Under the title What story is my brand telling? Storytelling: how to transmit and generate brand value, Christopher Smith, will address the importance of storytelling during the Marketing and Sales Summit. The Highlighters to Illuminate Your Brand. The lecture is framed in the event La Neurona Summits, that will take place next Tuesday at the Barceló Sants Hotel in Barcelona, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
The meeting is organized by La Neurona, a platform aimed at companies and people who work in them, with the purpose of collecting and documenting the changes occurring in society and in companies and help those responsible for them to understand these changes.
If you are in Barcelona and you are interested in attending, register for free here