21 May Antoni Trasobares: Bioeconomy, research and climate change

Managing Director of the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia
Antoni Trasobares
Bioeconomy, research
and climate change
Doctor in Forestry Management and Economics, as well as a Bachelor of Forest Sciences, Forest Engineer specialized in Environment, and Agricultural Technical Engineer is the author of various scientific publications and technology transfer publications in the field of multifunctional forest management, adaptation to climate change and forest economics.
Antoni Trasobares was appointed Managing Director of the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia in 2016, where he has devoted his efforts to maintain and continue the promotion of the high-level research that was already being carried out. Therefore, he endeavours to generate improvements in the natural environment, and in addition attain sustainable economic growth and employment.
As an expert, he advocates that innovation and technological research play a fundamental role in the efficient management of natural resources and that a bioeconomy is a value for the future that will help us to adapt better to climate change.
Antoni Trasobares has been Managing Director of Natural Environment and Biodiversity, of the Generalitat of Catalonia, where he obtained the approval of the General Plan for forest policy as well as the activation of various measures to promote the bioeconomy, amongst which we can highlight the use of new local wood products, such as counter laminated wood in restoration work and construction of public buildings. Today he shares his view of why, to face the economic recession derived from the pandemic, we should move towards the Green Deal which the European Union proposes, and so bring bioeconomy into the productive loop.
Next Tuesday, May 26th, Celestino Martínez Pérez, lecturer and author specialized in Retail Marketing, podcaster at “Actualiza retail” and project manager at “Flow the retail partner”, will share his views on what changes retail companies must introduce to face the new reality derived from the health crisis and thus survive the forthcoming economic recession.